Happy Birthday Daddy

Today you would have been 67 years old. It has been four years almost since last I got to talk to you, kiss you, or give you a hug. There is not a day that goes by that I don't think about you. You are always in my thoughts and always in my heart. Katherine has her permit now and is driving me all around. You taught her good. Kandi is doing well except for some sore achy bones, but she is still the same sweet ole white dog. Mom is doing all right, the girls keep her company. I taught her to do webpages and now there is no stopping her. She has her own "Sonee Web Pages" with a list and everything. I am so proud of what she has accomplished. She has diabetes now but you know mom, she is a trooper and doesn't even take medicine for it. She is still the rock that she always has been. My life is about the same except that I have had a few minor health problems but the doctor is taking care of everything, nothing to worry about. As you know my knees are bad and they are giving me all kinds of trouble. But the doctor doesn't want to do anything with them yet. Katherine and I joined the YMCA and we go out almost everyday and shoot some pool (we aren't too good but we have fun), shoot some hoops, exercise some. Katherine is very good at the machines.

There are a few additions to to our family. Katherine and I went to the dog pound and saved a cute little female, Cuddles. She is a Shi Tzu and she has had a litter of puppies on the 21st of May. We started with 8 and are now down to 5. They were all boys except for 1. Katherine has latched onto the female and is calling her Angel...but Mother is calling her Sissie. Don't know for sure who is going to win this one. HAHA Mom has got 2 of them picked out. Yoda and Petey, now, Dad, I know what you are thinking...she loves her dogs and they keep her company. I try to take them over everyday so she can play with them. She has so much fun with them. Sassie and Jasmine don't know what to make of them but you know how they are.

Katherine is looking for a job because she wants a car. So her and a friend are going to go look tomorrow at the new Mexican place that is opening up, they are to open on Wednesday and are working long hours trying to get ready.

That is all that is going on around here. I hope that you tell grandma and grandpa every day that we love them. I hope you know how much you are missed. Although I miss you terribly I am glad that you are young and healthy again. I know that you are watching over us. There have been times that I know you have been right there with us during trying times. Daddy, today is Sunday and have I told you I love you? Well I do. Love ya with all my heart. Happy Birthday Daddy!!!
Your Loving Daughter,

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